Our Mission

The Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness works to end homelessness and housing insecurity in the Strathcona region by using the collective resources of our organizational partners and community members.



+ Our Mandate

  • Establish strategic goals and an action plan to end homelessness and housing insecurity with a focus on addressing the needs of priority populations.
  • Harness community expertise, experience, and passion to achieve the strategic goals.
  • Be a resource to share data and information that promotes evidence-based initiatives.
  • Amplify the voices of those with lived and living experience of homelessness to break-down barriers and inspire community action.

+ Values

We ask that, while folks are participating with Coalition activities, the consider the following values:

  • Reconciliation and Decolonization - We will ensure that Indigenous Nations, communities, and organizations are invited to be Coalition partners. Learning from the Definition of Indigenous Homelessness in Canada, we acknowledge that Indigenous peoples face particular systemic barriers to housing. We commit to a growing awareness of, and acknowledge the impacts of, colonization on Indigenous peoples.
  • Equity and Inclusivity - We strive to have our Coalition reflect our community. We look to those with lived and living experience to inform the work. We support all of our partners to participate as much as they can and we provide a safe space for all voices to be heard
  • Empathy, Passion, and Compassion - We are here to be person-centered partners with those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness.
  • Trust, Integrity, and Accountability - We can be counted on to do what we say we are going to do, to be honest, forthcoming, and transparent. We commit to being accountable to those we advocate for.
  • Commitment - We are committed to ending homelessness in the district. We recognize the complexity of this work and we will be flexible, adaptive, responsive, proactive, and forward-thinking.

+ Contributors

Homelessness affects a diversity of people, impacts multiple sectors, and has an impact on communities as a whole. Many people and agencies are invested and engaged in reducing, preventing, and responding to homelessness and housing insecurity. Examples include:

  • All levels of government and their respective agencies, including Indigenous and Métis (i.e. elected officials, staff, RCMP, school districts, federal/provincial ministries, Island Health, BC Housing)
  • Those who are unhoused, were unhoused, or are at risk of becoming unhoused (i.e. people with lived/living experience in homelessness)
  • Non-governmental organizations (i.e. housing providers, support service providers, faith groups, Indigenous service providers)
  • The private sector (i.e. business community, property management agents, property developers, individual community members)

Action Team/Sub-Committees

  • The CRDCEH may establish Action Teams (short or long-term sub-committees) for specific issues related to housing and homelessness in Campbell River.

+ Confidentiality

Where anyone wishes to raise and/or discuss confidential information, it is the responsibility of that person to advise others that the information is to be treated as confidential.

Participants in Coalition activities agree not to divulge any and all confidential information.



The Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness works within the boundaries of the Strathcona Regional District on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The Land - We recognize that the land on which we work is the traditional territory of the Kwakwaka’wakw, Nuu-chah-nulth, and Coast Salish peoples.
